
Eco-Friendly Clothing Store

Eco-Friendly Clothing Store HELLO, hope you’re well. We’re presuming you’ve heard about the idea of upcycling? You know, the thought of creatively reusing and transforming old, unwanted and unloved stuff. And then turning it into part-new, better and environmental-valuable items. The clothes you see here are just that. Old, unloved and not deemed worthy of wearing any more. How crazy is that?! We don’t know about you, but when we look at them, we think to ourselves, ‘What’s the point of throwing this away? It’s perfectly good. It’ll keep you warm at night. Why would anyone spend their hard-earned money on clothing, wear it for a bit and then get bored of it so quickly? They need help!’ that won’t be going into landfill. SHOP Anyway, the good news is, we rescue them, do our thing and then try to find them a good home. We can tell you the reworking was done by hand, it took ages and, as you can see, it’s been des...